Rabu, 30 November 2016

Exercise Routine Not the Best Way to Lose Weight

Exercise Routine Not the Best Way to Lose Weight
Most of us probably ever been frustrated because of desirable body weight was also achieved despite regular exercise. Actually exercise we do is the correct strategy, but there are some mistakes that could hamper our efforts to achieve the target. According Dr.Corneel Vandelanotte, health and physical activity researcher at Central Queensland University, our body weight is determined only a small part of how active we are. "" Losing weight just with exercise is a very difficult thing, '' reveals katanya.Ia 4 myths about physical exercise to lose weight. Myth 1. Sport is the best way to lose weight badanMeski there are some people who successfully lose weight just through regular exercise, but in fact this method does not guarantee success in the majority of the body's energy orang.Keseimbangan mostly depends by what we eat and the metabolic rate. How active we are moving only an minor role in maintaining the body's energy balance. In other words, lose weight just by being active is a hard job sendiri.The American College of Sports Medicine recommends moderate intensity exercise for 250 to 300 minutes per week for weight loss. The best way to lose weight is to combine a low-calorie diet with physical activity teratur.2. Not maybe fat but still sehatOrang with a healthy weight are less active may look fine, but not so. When you are inactive, you have a higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, depression and kecemasan.Beberapa studies show a link between premature death with obesity being lost when a person continues to exercise regularly (although some studies argue this case) .This means your metabolism can remain healthy even if you are overweight. But with the record only if you continue to remain aktif.Tentunya, people who are healthy and have normal body weight are those that have the best health. 3. "" No pain, no gain "" The above sentence could be interpreted as "" there is no suffering, no weight loss. "" A lot of people who think like that, but in fact tidak.Seperti mentioned earlier, if you want to lose weight by being active, you have to work hard for the sake of moderate-intensity physical mewujudkannya.Aktivitas highly recommended than exertion activities that need physical tinggi.Aktivitas moderate intensity, such as brisk walking or cycling, is not painful and does not make you suffer to achieve the goal. 4. Only efektifLatihan strength training or strength endurance is very good for several reasons. This exercise can improve the functional capacity (the ability to perform a variety of jobs themselves safely), form of lean muscle mass and prevent falls and osteoporosis.Massa muscles require more energy than fat mass, even when resting. So the more muscular you are, the higher the metabolic rate of the body which makes it easier habis.Bagaimanapun energy, build muscle mass requires serious effort and you have to keep a routine exercise or it will lose significant muscle mass, which will happen in a few exercises minggu.Dibanding strength, endurance or aerobic exercise is very helpful to lose badan.Faktanya, recent research has shown that resistance exercise is more effective in weight loss than with exercise kekuatan.Jadi, the most important is to do regular exercise that you like. (Gibran Linggau)

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Kamis, 24 November 2016

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Dengan Cepat Tanpa Olahraga

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Dengan Cepat Tanpa Olahraga

Terobosan Heel Sakit Pengobatan Dikembangkan Oleh Tampa Podiatrist, Dr. Marc Katz!

Oh, penderitaan sakit tumit! Tampaknya akan menyebar di proporsi epidemi. Anda telah melihat beberapa dokter dan memiliki suntikan, orthotics dan sekarang operasi tampaknya menjadi pilihan terakhir Anda. Jadi Anda lihat dokter lain dan Anda mendengar cerita yang sama dan mendapatkan menawarkan perawatan yang sama lagi. Dr Marc Katz, seorang ahli penyakit kaki Tampa, lelah karena tidak ada yang baru untuk menawarkan pasiennya untuk bantuan. Akibatnya, ia meneliti teknologi baru dan muncul dengan pengobatan multi-teknologi canggih dengan hasil yang bagus dan tidak ada operasi.

Sebagai seorang penderita sakit tumit, Anda mungkin mendapatkan muak dan tertekan berurusan dengan rasa sakit sehari-hari. Anda ingin berolahraga untuk menurunkan berat badan dan tetap fit tapi rasa sakit tidak memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan kegiatan bahkan dasar. Pikiran operasi menakutkan Anda dan Anda khawatir bahwa Anda mungkin lebih buruk dan harus mengambil waktu dari pekerjaan dan bahkan mungkin memiliki komplikasi.

Yah jawabannya adalah di sini untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit tumit. Dr Katz menggabungkan High Frequency Radial Tekanan Gelombang Pengobatan dengan perawatan super Pulsed Laser dan keduanya FDA dibersihkan peralatan medis. 2 pendekatan teknologi tinggi ini bila dikombinasikan menghasilkan hasil yang luar biasa, kata Katz. Mereka adalah non-invasif dan merupakan pendekatan yang lebih holistik untuk penyembuhan dan mereka membantu menghindari operasi. Dr Katz menyebut protokol baru Super Pulse Gelombang Teknik.

Ketika seseorang mengembangkan sakit tumit dan tetap hidup selama berbulan-bulan atau bertahun-tahun, tubuh masuk ke dalam mode proteksi sehingga tidak ada kerusakan tumit. Sayangnya, modus perlindungan tubuh mengarah ke lama atau peradangan kronis. peradangan kronis ini berhenti proses penyembuhan, sehingga pengobatan konvensional tidak selalu bekerja. suntikan kortison tidak bekerja untuk beberapa orang dengan jenis peradangan dan benar-benar dapat melemahkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan selanjutnya menghentikan proses penyembuhan. Katz mengatakan bahwa kita harus melihat tubuh secara keseluruhan dan memahami proses penyembuhan dan pola peradangan. Kebanyakan dokter hanya melihat kondisi ini secara ketat sebagai masalah tumit. Tidak ada yang bisa lebih jauh dari kebenaran! Peradangan kronis yang diproduksi oleh tubuh harus diubah menjadi peradangan baik yang berubah pada mekanisme penyembuhan tubuh. Selain itu, masalah struktural dari kaki dan kaki harus diatasi. Kondisi lain yang dapat diobati mencakup Achilles tendonitis, capsulitis dan cedera ligamen.

Setelah bertahun-tahun penelitian, Dr Katz telah menemukan kombinasi pengobatan yang mengarah ke peradangan yang baik, yang memungkinkan sel-sel penyembuhan untuk memasuki area tumit dan mengatasi rasa sakit Anda. Sel-sel ini akan menghapus peradangan dan benar-benar menyembuhkan jaringan yang telah resisten terhadap pengobatan lain. Selain itu, perawatan mengurangi kemacetan dari daerah luka dan reset saraf yang terus api abnormal dan menyebabkan rasa sakit. Ini bukan Band-Aid, mengatakan Katz, itu adalah penyembuhan jaringan dengan cara alami. Ini adalah kebangkitan dari proses penyembuhan tubuh untuk menyembuhkan masalah Anda.

Perawatan dilakukan di lingkungan kantor yang nyaman. Kebanyakan perawatan terjadi mingguan selama 5 minggu dan berlangsung sekitar 20 menit. Tidak ada anestesi diperlukan dan operasi rawat jalan mahal dapat dihindari. Ini telah benar-benar menjadi terobosan dalam perawatan nyeri tumit. masyarakat adalah mencari pengobatan non-invasif yang cukup murah dan yang tidak menyebabkan down time. Katz mengatakan bahwa pasiennya terlalu sibuk dengan pekerjaan dan anak-anak untuk mengambil waktu jauh dari kehidupan yang serba cepat mereka.

Dr Katz menyarankan Anda melihat situs web untuk lebih banyak informasi.

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Senin, 07 November 2016

Adding Healthy Weight Loss Strategies

Adding Healthy Weight Loss Strategies

 Not just overweight, the body is too skinny also a significant problem for health. Many studies have shown, a thin body is not necessarily free from the risk of developing heart and blood vessel disease. Research has recently shown, the weight is too thin have a greater risk of death than people who are overweight.
In addition to the risk of disease, too thin-bodied people who have generally imaged unhealthy and not fresh. For that reason, many people with less weight wants to increase his weight. However, raising the weight is not as simple as eating more than usual.
Doctors physiologist Grace Judio Kahl said, the principle of raising the weight is to enter more calories than the energy expended. So before starting the program, must be known how normal calorie needs someone, and how much should be added.
Increasing healthy weight is about 1 kilogram a week. To raise 1 kg, one should "" save "" 7,000 calories. So every day of the week there should be 1,000 extra calories beyond daily caloric needs.
"" For example, someone has a caloric requirement of 1,600 calories per day. If you want to put on weight 1 kg, meaning he had to eat 2,600 calories for seven days, '' he said when contacted by Compass Health, Wednesday (07/16/2014).
But calories are entered was not just empty calories, but also must be nutritionally balanced. "" Raising the weight certainly do not want to be accompanied by an increased risk of the disease, is not it? That's why any source of calories need to be considered, ' "says consultant weight loss program at Indonesia's Lighthouse clinic.
Source of calories the healthy need nutritionally balanced. That is a source of calories should be foods that contain carbohydrates, protein, and fat. In particular to raise the weight, the focus is on protein, not lemak.Otot
In order for good posture, body not require the addition of fatty deposits, but muscle. Well to build muscle, it takes two things: their needs and materials. The definition of needs is muscle is only produced when needed. Proven if rarely used, limbs will decrease muscle mass.
How to stimulate muscle growth? Sports that the principle of resistance exercise was key. The exercise may be lifting weights, both the burden of the body itself or by the tool.
According to dietitian doctor Phaidon L Toruan, exercises for muscle growth needs to be done on all body muscles, chest muscles, shoulders, back, abdomen, hips, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. It was done twice a week with a right and exercise load to add a little demiki bit.
The second factor is the material. The point is that the body needs to build muscle material. One nutrient that is instrumental to this is a protein. Therefore, according to Grace, protein is a nutrient that must be consumed more when it wants to increase the weight.
"" Protein should be eaten by the number of four to five palms day. Its source is better than fish because it also contains healthy fats. Red meat may also contain cholesterol but red meat is high enough, '' said Grace.
Grace also provides sample menus that can be consumed in a day to promote weight loss. The addition of food ingredients that enrich the nutritional and caloric needs to be done.
- Breakfast: porridge chicken + one piece of chicken the size of large-morning snack: bread + butter, plus a slice of cheese or meat asap- Lunch: rice + dishes + vegetables + beans to increase intake of fiber, protein, and healthy fats - afternoon snack: fruit-buahan- Dinner: the same as lunch, with varied dishes.
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